Digital 12-lead ECG for outpatient care and home visits

The resting 12-lead ECG is one of the primary tools for assessing a patient’s health status whether in primary care practice, specialty care or hospital settings. However, it is not an obvious tool for home or community visits.

Utilizing the potential of a 12-lead ECG is made possible by the EHO12, which is a high-end mobile device designed to perform a 12-lead resting ECG. The apparatus allows a fully digital ECG test to be performed and printed out in PDF format, making it possible to attach the test result to the patient’s medical record. Digital recording is also crucial for specialist services or consultations provided via telemedicine.

Thanks to dedicated software, after granting authorization to the cardiologist, all examinations can be described remotely outside the facility almost in real-time, which significantly supports the PCP in his daily work and speeds up the diagnosis of the patient.

The device has the ability to operate in two modes: hours of live monitoring or on-demand diagnostics (recording of a selected ECG segment) in the form of a digital record.

The device can be used as a stationary office ECG recorder in a hospital, ambulatory and primary care, or as a mobile ECG during home visits, or telemedicine services. The solution allows to work both when the computer is connected to the Internet and in a non-Internet mode with the possibility of uploading the results after being reconnected to the network.

Application advantages:

  • the small size of the apparatus to perform full 12-lead ECG (weight about 80g),
    in cooperation with a portable computer, is a fully mobile professional ECG apparatus
    allows ECG measurement directly from the doctor’s office or patient’s home, which greatly improves the diagnostic and decision-making process,
    simple operation and clear indication of device status,
  • attractive market price,
  • high precision and accuracy of measurement, fully digital processing of ECG signals (test recording and data transmission),
    fully synchronous digital ECG recording from all leads

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Zgoda na przetwarzanie danych osobowych

Zgoda na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Pro-PLUS SA z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Śnieżna 3 (dalej zwanym: „Administratorem”), w celu skorzystania z formularza kontaktowego na stronie Podanie danych jest dobrowolne. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, jednak konieczne do skorzystania z formularza. Podstawą przetwarzania danych jest moja zgoda. Odbiorcą danych może być Administrator. Mam prawo wycofania zgody w dowolnym momencie. Dane osobowe będą przetwarzane przez okres niezbędny do udzielenia odpowiedzi lub do odwołania zgody, a po takim odwołaniu, przez okres przedawnienia roszczeń przysługujących administratorowi danych i w stosunku do niego. Mam prawo żądania od administratora dostępu do moich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, a także prawo wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego.